Thursday, May 8, 2008

Our First Public Peformance at Pacific Sutra

Whoa....what a night...didnt thought that peforming LIVE would be that hard...anyway, it gives you quite a thrill and fun...COOL!! =) And BEst of All, iT GiVes an unforgetfull experience and adds one MoRe wonderfull moment in Life...One MaJor Peformance infront of the VIP's is enough to make you couldn't wait to perform MoRe on stage!! Believe it...its enjoyable eventhough it mayBe very VERY EXhausting....The truth is that....We didnt get to sleep the whole night before...we stayed up to rehears until the following day of our pemormance...NOt eaSy isn't it....anyway, we got the next day off after our performance =P haha...